As the EP of the CNBC, I give this to you as my charge. First to the pastors of the Convention, always know that the purpose of this convention is to get the gospel to every living human being wherever they are; I charge you to always the preaching of the undiluted Gospel as your priority (1Timothy 4:2) be prepared in season and out of season. Give priority to learning since we understand that we live in a generation that it has become a crime not to know; and as we all know “the days of ignorance are over”. Always make sure you live by yourself the preaching that you expect your people to live “lead by example” (1Timothy 4:12). Promote and always strive to see the wellbeing of this convention; know that you are advocates for it.

          To the churches of the Convention, know that the rising and falling of this convention lies solely upon your shoulders. We can never go anywhere without your mass support. I charge you therefore, first to ensure the wellbeing of the pastors that God has blessed you with, let their comfort be your priority and never give them an excuse not to execute their ministerial duties well. Secondly, I charge all the churches to make very good use of the facilities of the convention such as the convention bank. No one will invest there if you do not do so. Let all the churches ensure that they have an account in that bank. Ion all your public gatherings, always make sure you pray for our convention. Give in enough resources and time to involve in missions, saturate the whole place with the Word of God that we are known for.

            Lastly, to all in the convention, I charge you to always live in peace with everyone. Know that we are a family, called not to compete but to cooperate only with a single purpose which is the advancement of Christ’s kingdom in a perverse generation. A few people hold the view that we do not want to make peace with our CBC brothers. In contrast, we have always sort out peace, desired peace, preached peace even in turbulent moments. I charge you then to live in peace with them, show love to those who hate you, bless them who curse you. With this, our convention will keep growing and gaining strength from every criticism.

            We are rising never to fall…SEE YOU AT THE TOP