As a convention, we have some departments which meet both the physical and spiritual needs of the people we are called to minister to. 

  • Evangelism Board: The heart of every Christian organization should be Evangelizing the lost world for Christ. This is the pivotal reason behind the existence of CNBC. This board of the convention is responsible for training pastors and leaders for the convention. The department carries out evangelistic work of the convention through Districts, coordinates the work of the districts throughout the convention, organizes the training of personnel of the board and sees about day to day affairs of the churches throughout the CNBC. This department is a vital part of the convention. It supervises the churches.


This department is presently headed by Rev Nsom Stephen

Under this board is;

  • The Seminary:

Baptist Evangelical School of Theology (BEST) Fundong;This is the lone theological institutional of the CNBC. It started since 1998/1999 academic year and graduated its first badge of students in 2003. This school is located at FUJUA-FUNDONG of the BOYO Division. This school has as motto “Study to Show Yourself Approved by God 2Tim 2:15.

This seminary currently has Rev Kumah Paul Toh as the director and pastor Mbeng Jude as Academic Dean. The enrolment is currently 41 students: 11 bachelor degree, 8 Diploma and 22 Certificate students. These students have roughly 11 staffs with the mandate of equipping the under shepherds of God. It is known to be the cheapest seminary in West African; affordable fees and free dormitories. Note should be taken that students of this institution are not only limited to neither CNBC Christians nor Baptist, but to everyone who feels the call of God in his life. We currently have a minister from the apostolic background. There is a growing demand for more pastors given that many churches still need pastors.    


With a burden and a vision to create a Christian educated community, the CNBC has not relent her efforts in creating schools ranging from primary, technical and vocational training to the children in our communities through 19 elementary schools, one High School and 2 Secondary Schools. Our hope is to create more schools so that no child is left behind; hope you intentionally join this determined and growing team.  

            So we can say that this board is to take care of our educational establishments, supervises the staff of the board and provides both moral and secular education in our institutions of learning.


This board has as duty the putting in place the necessary structures for health care, engages competent personnel for the work of the board, and provides the necessary health care.  This subdivision is now headed by Madam Njini Rose of Grace Baptist Church Bamenda.


This department sees to it that the CNBC acquired properties are in good custody and also keeps a good record of our property. This department is currently headed by Njung Chia Francis of Grace Baptist Church Bamenda.

  • ABCD (Association of Baptist Christians for Development) is a legally recognised NGO for the work of the convention. The current head of this department is Pastor Jam Daniel.

This ministry consists of the humanitarian works that the convention has engaged in to ensure a better society and nation for all citizens. We will look at;

  1. The Orphanage:

As a Convention, we are also engaged in social and health ministries. Because of the growing number of orphaned and abandoned children in our various communities, caused by HIV/AIDS, malaria and other infectious diseases, we established Harvest Children’s Home to provide shelter, education, health, nutrition and spiritual enhancement for these children. We give them education up to the university level.  The end result of this ministry is to empower these children to become the next generation of Christian leaders in Cameroon. We are currently hosting more than 50 children here and a staff of over 15 employed staff (so it acts as a source of employment to the society). This orphanage is presently under the General Administration of Madam Theresa

  1. The Convention Bank

This is the financial institution of the convention. It serves the purpose of saving and assisting all the registered churches through loans. It is open to all the churches, wings and even individuals who want an assurance in safe saving. It is open during all working days and there is a mobile number for all those who are living in far distances and cannot make it to Fundong all the times.