The Women’s Missionary Union
    This is the Women’s wing of the Convention. It has an active and strong membership of 7000. This group is led by an elected Chairlady who is a member of the Executive Board of the Convention. Their activities include evangelism, empowerment of the women and visitation of the sick and the needy. It is currently led by Mrs Abongwah Hilda. This department does all they can do to support missions and evangelism; they have paid completely the tuition of some students in the seminary; equally allocate support to the seminary every year.
They organize women conferences every year just to come together as women of the convention.
The Men’s Missionary Union
    This wing has a membership of 3000 and is led by an elected Chairman who is also a member of the Executive Board. Their mission is to evangelize and empower men for ministry and support of Churches using conferences, seminars and retreats. This group is currently led by Rev Diangha Isaiah.
The Youth Fellowship
    This group, with a membership of 6000, constitutes the hope of CNBC for future generation of Christian leaders of our Convention.  Their mission is to evangelize on school campuses and in remotest and enclave areas of Cameroon. The President of the Youth Fellowship is elected by his peers and serves in the Executive Board of the Convention. This fellowship has a passion for missions and this explains why they have sponsored and still sponsors some students in the seminary. This wing consists of the 3H, Boys Brigade and Mature Baptist Youths Fellowship (MBYF). They organize camps every year both at the District and the Convention levels. The now leader of this dynamic group is Rev Njung Promise